Monday, December 12, 2011

Tattletale Tuesday Blog Hop

If you are not familiar, a blog hop is a chance for you to find other blogs you might like.  Check it out and find some new blogs to follow!

Here are the rules:

1.) Follow Crazy Nuts Mom the host.

2.) Follow the guest host - Forever A Teen
3.) Visit and read some great blogs and follow the ones you like.
* It would be nice if you follow at least additional blogs that are linked up before you, that way, everybody will get followed.
If you are a new follower please leave a comment so we can follow you back....


  1. New follower from the hop, have a great day!

  2. Thanks for stopping by, I will visit your blog. Thanks, Holly

  3. I like your list for christmas. I need ideas for my girls! (well, young women ages 21,22, 23) I am new follower from the hop..pls follow back if you can..thanks!

  4. I would love to follow back. I have a 19 year old. SO, I know how hard it can be to shop for them. My daughter loves...scarves, sweaters, purses, Jewelry, hair accessories. Forever 21 is a great place to shop for that age group to. :D If you want to online. I will be adding more items soon to my store. Thank you for the comment. :D

  5. Hi, new follower via Tattletale Tuesday Blog Hop.

  6. Hello, I am a new follower from Tattletale Tuesday Blog Hop. Love your page.

    Katie - Saving and Sharing It

  7. Hi I too am a new follower from T.T. Blog Hop! Hope you'll pop by and meet us too!


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