Thursday, September 8, 2011

NEW FALL FASHION STYLES...Show off your personality

It's time for fall fashion. But, what is it?

Shorts in the winter...high that tie...long poncho sweaters. Wow, the styles are changing. But, you know what...I think that is great! I tell my kids all the time. Be who you want to be, not who everyone else wants you to be. Being original is exactly what all of us should be. God made us to not look like everyone else so, why not do that with our styles to. I am almost 40 years old and I am at a time in my life, where I figure...I can dress and be who I want to be, without worrying about what everyone else thinks. I love fun clothes. I think it pretty much shows off my personality.

I have a question for you...Do you show off your personality or are you dressing to be someone Else's? Crazy to think about, huh? From what I see, there are all sorts of styles out there right now. Like I stated above. I have even noticed a lot of the stuff, doesn't even match. But, really who cares! If you like it...wear it.

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