Monday, December 26, 2011


Let's do a blog hop for my 40th birthday! Welcome to My blog hop for my 40th birthday, hosted by Holly, Forever A Teen  and Regina,  Crazy Nuts Mom I thought it would be fun to do for my (Holly's) 40th birthday, this is to help you (and us) find new blogs and meet new blog friends.

The Guidelines for participating in this blog hop are as follows:

1. Please follow
Crazy Nuts Mom   and Forever A Teen  via Google +, Networked Blog, and Google Friend Connect (feel free to follow on Twitter and Facebook as well).

2. Link up your blog, visit and follow at least 2 other blogs that interest you.

Let's start hopping and have fun!

All you have to do, is add your url link to the linky for it to show up for others to be able to follow you.

Follow Crazy Nuts Mom and Forever A Teen on Google Friend Connect, Facebook, Twitter, Leave a comment when you follow us, so you will be followed back.


  1. Following you from the Tuesday Blog Hop. Happy Birthday!

  2. Thanks, I'll visit you back. Did you become a follower on my blog? :D

  3. Thanks for the follow, already follow you! I'm the one with the food photo :) Have a great birthday!

  4. Thanks Frugal in WV. :D Happy Holidays!

  5. Thanks for the follow. I love the blog :o)


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