Monday, October 31, 2011


1st of all before I give out my info. I wanted to let you know...I have a HALLOWEEN sale going on in my store for 1 day only! 25% off Fixed priced items and FREE SHIPPING! Make sure you check it out.
You can also become a fan on facebook to. Keep u with my latest fashion trends/ listings. :D 


My puppy is a Princess!

Wow..It's Halloween? Do you know what you are going to wear? I am going to be a witch (A Good Witch) Do you need some last minute ideas? Well, I'm going to help you to come up with some. Don't spend a dime...just your time! Here is a few last minute ideas, just for you.

1. FARMER'S DAUGHTER: Super easy...find some old overhauls in your closet, put on some boots, put your hair in piggy tails or braids & use some black eye liner, color out a tooth with black. Wallah..your a Farmer's daughter.

2.HEFTY & WIMPY: Couple idea. Grab two black trash bags. Cut holes for your head at the bottom and one on each side for your arms. Grab some old milk jugs/cans, paper plates & tape them to your bags. Grab a piece of paper and place Hefty on one and Wimpy on the other. You now are Hefty & Wimpy trash bags.

3. VALLEY GIRL: this one is super easy. Put your hair up high on side of your head. Use bright color make up. Pink lipstick. put on a loose top with a thick belt and some leggings or jeggings. Add your cute tennis shoes and a beaded necklace. Last but not least...chew some gum! You're a Valley Girl!

4. MIKE MYERS: SO, you want to be scary? Take a paper plate, cut out two holes and a mouth. Attach a string or band to it. Put it on your head. Grab a butter knife.. Now your scary! Mike Myers!

5. Clown: This one you could do easy to. Grab and old pair of overhauls. Roll up the bottom. Put your hair into lots of curls. Add some lipstick for a mouth and you're a clown

6. BABY: Pick out some old pajamas: Grab a baby doll for prop. Put your hair in piggy tails or just one on top of your head. You're a baby!

7. JUG HEAD: Look for a small jug around the house. Attach it to your head. Be creative. Your a jug head. HA HA!

8. SPORTS GUY/GIRL: This one is easy. Just look for something in your closet that pertains to sports. Find a Basketball/Baseball/Golf club. Something as a sport. You're a sports guy/girl.

9. Princess: Use a prom dress, most all girls have a tiara lying around. Curl your hair and put on your tiara and some heels. You're a princess!

10. GRANDMA/GRANDPA: Just look for a dress for Grandma/ Stuff the butt ox and put your hair in curlers. Grandpa, mixed matched socks, loose pants or even joggers, powder in your hair and you're a grandpa.

Hope you liked these ideas. Good luck and...HaPpY HaLlOwEeN!

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